Monday, May 1, 2017


39 degrees with heavy over-cast here in Clarinda, IA at 10:30 am Monday as I start this.  Has been raining, mostly lightly since Friday - only accumulated about 1.5".

One month ago today we left our home in La Feria, TX.  In 5 months from today we will leave our Clarinda home to return to Texas, though we intend to go through Central Florida and stop in central Mississippi on the way down, so may take 3 weeks or so to get there.  Was only a 5 day trip up from Texas this spring, one of the shorter trips  between La Feria and Clarinda we have taken.

Did not accomplish a lot over the weekend with a misty rain during most of both days.  Did go to church Sunday morning, but that was my only outing.  Phyllis had gotten groceries on Friday and also taken friend Roberta Rarick to the hair-dresser.

Visited by phone with my younger brother Darrell a bit ago.  He is finishing up moving their household from Miami, FL to Leesburg, FL - some 290 miles.  Sounded like there were many truck loads they moved and they have some more items at their son's place in Miami to take yet.

Just ran across some old photos of where I went to Grade School out in Custer County, Nebraska on the edge of the Sandhills.

Our school grounds

I am nonchalantly leaning on the wall at the right.

In earlier years the rooms on the left was the high school (up to
10th grade) and on the right was the grade school.  At one time
some of the teachers lived in an apartment in the lower left.
The lower right was our "play" area in the basement in bad weather.
Here is aerial photo of where I spent my first 18 years
rural Oconto, Nebraska - taken in the 1950's

The Kermit Miles' family in 1951.  At the time, Don was 12, Roger was 14 and I was 8.
Mom was 44, Darrell was 6, Dad 47 and Louise nearly a year old. 

The Kermit Miles family in 1946

More later, Lynn

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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