Monday, May 29, 2017

1958 - Changing Ministers at Clarinda First United Methodist Church

Both of these articles are from the Clarinda Herald-Journal June 1958. Click on photos to enlarge.

Going Away Pair Remember Nine Years
Showered....Mrs. Greenwood with fry pan, husband with watch, gifts
from Methodists.  Presentations were by (from right) Merle
Stevens, Mrs. Earl Schenck, Cecil Irvin, Mrs. Ray Sherman.
   Appreciation night was spent by Methodists here when they gathered for a social time before the Rev. and Mrs. Lester Greenwood would leave for their new home at Ottumwa.
    Four couples served as hosts at the door and the half-hour of preprogram visiting.  Cecil Irvin was chosen to emcee the brief musical program, including a violin solo by Robert Smith, banjo music by Harold South and two numbers by the combined church choirs, more than 40 persons, with Miss Aletha Hutchings accompanying the several numbers.  Nelson Crow led the congregational hymns.
   It seemed that gifts just kept coming to the couple who have been Clarindians nine years.  Mrs. Earl Schenck, WSCS president: Merle Stevens, Pastoral Relations Committee chairman:  Mrs. Roy Sherman, Builders Class president: and George Woolson were those making the presentations.
    The Rev. Ralph Allen, representing the Ministerial Alliance, spoke concerning the community’s appreciation for the honored couple.  The Rev. Mr. Greenwood responded by briefing the fine association in the church for nearly a fourth of his entire ministry.
    Mrs. Harold South and Mrs. Dale Bellairs poured and Mrs. Hyldred Reese had planned and arranged for the refreshment time for the 225 persons attending.

New Methodist Minster and Family
MOVED IN ... The Ashes, David and Martha (above) Robert,
Cheryl and Richard, occupy the Methodist parsonage.  They came from
Nevada, IA Tuesday night to become honest to goodness Clarinda
residents, their van arriving the next day.  The Rev. Ash has been
assigned the First Methodist Church after serving five years in the
Story County seat.  The Rev. and Mrs. J. Lester Greenwood went
to Wesley Church at Ottumwa after nine years in Clarinda

I am adding a photo just found, undated,(probably 1983 or later) but with four on the right local ministers.
With Rev. Miller in the picture, this would have to be after 1983

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