Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Catching up

58º with overcast skies here in Clarinda, IA at 10:00 am Wednesday as I start this -- predicted high of 65º today.
Some of the photos on our "icebox" - mostly of our Great
Granddaughter Jessica (and her parents, and her grandparents)

Well, saw Phyllis take some pictures of her birds on the back deck yesterday so got her camera and downloaded the pictures off the card.  Guess she hadn't given me her card for some time --  here are some of the pictures she took back in mid-April when we were visiting Great Granddaughter Jessica (Oh yeah, we also visited her parents and her grandparents!)
GGPa with Jesica in the easy chair
GGPa with Jesica in the swing
That is an "inquiry" not a "grump" on Jessies face
GGMa got to hold her, but Gpa is showing her a hammer
Mommy got her situated in the little red wagon
Grandma pulling Jessica in the little red wagon
A blue bird near back deck
A blue bird on the deck
Blue Bird and Mourning Dove on deck
A second bird feeder added, as well as the sugar water feeder.
Now for some current photos of mine.
Taking the glider bench to the shop yesterday to refinish it.
Started to sand in-place, but then started removing the
boards to sand and apply sealer on the bench.  Should finish
today sometime.
Very heavy clouds to the south last night -- but we got no rain.
Will continue copying old Church photos as I get a chance.  Found some in the 1960's - hope someone will recognize some of the people in them.

Oh, had text and conversation with cousin Donna Weiting in Watertown, South Dakota last night.  She has located long-lost nephew Terry French (son of her brother Bob who was killed in 1969) after many years (since 1969) and he is coming to see her on the 20th of June.  She is having other close relatives who can come for a dinner that Tuesday night, the 20th, and we are going to take our trailer and head up there.  Will camp at the city park located on 
Lake Kampeska where Terry will also be camping.  Will visit for a few days and Donna said most of her kids would be there, also.  We will head to Marengo, IA to camp for the weekend when Jessica and her family will camp for the weekend to celebrate 1 year Birthday of Great Granddaughter Jessica on the 23rd

More later, Lynn

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