Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Warmer weather in the RGV

73º here in La Feria, Texas at 9:00 am as I start this.  Predicted high is 84º for today.  Bright sunshine with 10 mph breeze.

This morning I drove over to the La Feria Coop Supply on Business 83 close to Emerald Grove RV Park and delivered an antique farm tractor calendar to Steve Wolfe that Oliver Herzberg from Villisca, IA had given me a week ago.

These guys were there for morning coffee-- Steve is at the far end of the table.


I had made up this paper to leave with the 3 ears of corn that Oliver wanted the guys to see.  There was a general agreement that the ears weren't too big, but I assured them that Oliver said there were a lot of them.

                                                                                                                                                              Picture of granddaughter with hubby and our Great Granddaughter Jessica on November 24th.

We went to Gaddi's Pizza yesterday with the Kenwood group for Bingo and eating and visiting.

Afterwards Phyllis and a bunch of the women went to have their nails trimmed while I rode home with some of the guys.  They stopped at a hobby store that sells radio controlled race cars.

I worked some more at cleaning all the parts for the Shopsmith and putting it together.
Here it is fully assembled with the sander accessory on one end and the band saw on the other.  The sander can't be used in that position, but it got it off the floor and let me clean around it.
I still have to do some work on the storage unit below and between the legs, and clean up the planer attachment as well as the belt sander attachment.  Then to get place in the storage/shop area where the attachments can be placed while not using them.

I finally Photoshopped the group picture from this summer's Kenwood RV Rally in State Center, IA, adding Judy and Maxine to the picture, adding label of all the names and printing a 20" wide poster that is now hanging in the Friendship Room at the Rec Hall.

Later, Lynn

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