Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Foggy every morning, hot every afternoon!

74º as I start this at 10:30 am Wednesday.  Sun is trying to come through the heavy fog.
This rather poor photo was taken of our indoor-outdoor
thermometer at about 4 pm yesterday afternoon.

 Christmas day our son, Cameron, called on one phone about the same time our daughter, Michelle, called on the other phone.  I put them both on speaker and the 4 of us had a short visit.

 Monday afternoon we rode our trikes to the Yellow Rose RV Park a few blocks north of us.  They had a small gathering.  Coy, playing the do-bro, in this photo is staying in our park and his wife said he plays at a jam on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but takes the other three days off.
If we were to get a dog, this
would be the kind -- no barking, no
feeding, and no cleaning up after!

Couple mornings ago as I was riding the trike, I took this
photo in the foggy morning showing the birds all parked and not flying.
Slept with the windows open last night - low this morning was 68º, but it was nearly 90% humidity, so closed up the house and turned on A/C for the day -- sun gets out and with the high humidity is a little uncomfortable outside.  Have been going to the 8:00 am "chair" exercises at the Rec Hall lately.  Put on about 3.5 miles on the trike before and after, but now will wait until after dark this evening.

Later, Lynn

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