Saturday, December 10, 2016

Two weeks to Christmas Eve

54º with sunshine at 10:00 am Saturday as I start this.  To get to 60º today and if the sun keeps shining, even with 9-10 mph winds now blowing shouldn't be as miserable as yesterday seemed.

Yesterday afternoon Lyle & Doris Winter (and Josie) who lived in this park for many years, but now live to the west at San Juan, came for a visit at Bob & Bobbi Raab's place - a couple doors down from us.  Here is Josie getting reacquainted with Bob, and Lyle to the right.
 Played several games of Pegs and Jokers.
Here is Lyle winter from Minnesota; LaRhoda Neher from Kansas; and Bob Raab from Minnesota.

LaRhoda, Bob and Bobbi Raab

Harold Neher from Kansas; and Phyllis

Doris - I didn't get your picture (or mine)
maybe next time.

This is for you, Mary Jo.  I took this off your Facebook page and made a print to take with the calendar and ears of corn over to the Co-op.  I know most guys remember faces better than names, so thought this would help them.  I will tell them the ears I am leaving are the same ones---what do they know?

Just a note, for any of my Callaway, Nebraska High School Classmates who might read this...........  I got a nice letter from Bob Lewis that he wrote on October 28th.  With it being forwarded to Texas and our being gone for last couple weeks, we just got it this week.  Bob was one who we could not reach for several years and surprised us all when he came to the 55th Class Reunion in Callaway this last June.  He filled me in on his family there in the state of Maine.  I will fill each of you in on the letters I hope to send out before Christmas.

While we were gone up to Missouri & Iowa  quite a few of the "regular" people have arrived in the park:  Bob & Bobbi Raab from Minnesota; Harold & LaRhoda Neher from Kansas; Lola Schappe from Iowa; Lee & Helen Miles got here just before we left as had Joyce Holder from Michigan.  Peg & Dave Gilmore from Michigan came in while we were gone and Harold & Imogene Williams arrived just this week.  Kathy & Bill Connally from Kansas got here while we were gone and Betty Schneider from Iowa got in.  Lynn & Sharleen Stivers are here and their Neighbor Butch Geisking from Iowa is expected this next week.  Betty & Doug Salzwedel from Minnesota are here and   John  (Bud) Toft and Roberta Mahany from Illinois are in the rental down the street.  Bill & Twila Oberholzer from Iowa and Pam & Dave Keiper from Indiana are here.  Dan Herbst from Panama, IA and Terry and Charles Servin from Illinois got here last week also.  There are several "new" ones in RV's her in the park, also.

Till later, Lynn


  1. That's okay Lynn! I didn't need to have my picture taken! Lyle and Josie are a lot more photogenic! Not sure if the spelling is right but you know what I mean. Had an enjoyable afternoon at the Raab's

  2. Good to see you -- will see you again soon


Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...