Saturday, December 31, 2016

If you want it done in 2016----do it today!

58º as I start this at 9:00 am - was 54º when woke up - predicted high of 70º today.
Everyone bundled up with this comparative cold spell - been record setting upper 80's the last several days.

Click on any photos to enlarge - leave any comments at the end of this post.

The lower end of the car-port roof is made in a dumb way -- the outer frame is also the gutter and the roof sheets come down to within an inch of the edge of that frame, and the sheets are not on the bottom of that frame, but about 1/3 of the way from the bottom.
Fine for water to get through, but anything like leaves or other debris gets in and plugs them up.  You see, around the park, many things like cactus, bushes and small trees growing up from this cockeyed setup.
After having cleaned them out, with bent wire hanger, bent spoon, tried the vacuum, but the small hose plugs up with the leaves; I am cobbling up a wire screen over the end.  Will see how this goes.

The park has had 5 or 6 Asplundh tree trimming service trucks in the park most of the week, trimming the trees and grinding up all they cut in the huge grinders and blowing the chips into the truck to haul off.  We have had some palm fronds fall on electric wires in the recent past and I thought they would trim them, also, but don't think they can reach that high.  Someone said they have guys shiny up the trees to do that trimming.

Well, I got distracted and it is now 7:50 am on Saturday morning.  Outdoor temp is 60 degrees with predicted high today of 80º.  Off with the long pants and back on with the short pants today.  After going to choir practice yesterday morning I took Phyllis over to the mall to spend the day with some friends and I puttered around here and watched the Nebraska-Tennessee Music City Bowl game.  Tennessee played much better than the Huskers and won the game.  Watched the Orange Bowl later, between looking at the weekly Gold Rush show on the Discovery Channel.

The straight line in this photo is the trunk of a tall palm tree at our back fence.  The bent fir-like tree in front is bending quite a bit as the cold front came through yesterday.  Of course this cold front only got things in the 60's, but was a change.

Sunrise yesterday morning from our front driveway.  I took this and posted it in response to a posting of Iowa Sunrise son Cameron put on Facebook.

Here us the photo he posted from Keystone, Iowa.  Lots more color in his photo, and, I suspect, a little cooler of temperature.

I just checked properties on my photo's and found I have 17,652 pictures taken (or copied from the internet) for 2017.  720 were taken in December.  We started December in Missouri at the time of death of my niece, Jenny, and covered a lot of miles and were part of quite a few events during the month.

This week I passed the number of days being alive that my Dad lived, as have my older two brothers.  Since he and his siblings all died at or before getting to be 73 years of age, it was always a thought.  Of course, many of Mom's siblings lived in to their 90's, even though she passed at age 79.

Later, Lynn

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