Thursday, December 8, 2016

Cool, windy weather in the Valley

53º here in La Feria, TX with brisk wind.  23º in Clarinda, IA right now.

 Phyllis is working with the other women down at the Rec Hall today on quilts.

Photos at right and below were taken last evening at the first Pot Luck Supper here at Kenwood.  Will have them twice a month.  Lots of good food and lots of visiting.

This morning we went to a breakfast in the Friendship Room at the Rec Hall.

Our neighbor from Kansas, Harold Neher, got a weather station for Christmas (he already had one at his Kansas home) and his son put it up on the shed between our homes.
He was showing us last night when we were over at his place playing Pegs and Jokers how it measures rain, records high and low temperatures and keeps track of them as well as wind speed with gusts and highs and lows of the wind speed.

It is really whirling now as the wind is blowing hard and temperatures are to lower from now on in to the evening.

More later, Lynn

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