Tuesday, November 1, 2022

In Cape

 54º with bright sunshine here in Cape Girardeau, MO at 9:30 am Tuesday.

Click on photos to enlarge.

Went to 
Don & Vicki's
a little after 3 pm
and ate with them
in the main dining
room last evening.

Last Thursday, while in Hiawatha, KS we drove the streets with Harold & LaRhoda to see the brilliant color of the trees.  These pictures do not show the color that popped to the human eye.

This was the sunrise we saw
as we got out of our trailer
in Harold & LaRhoda's place.

We did several games of Pegs & Jokers while with Harold & LaRhoda.


Always good food at LaRhoda's

Eating supper in our trailer
when we got to Cape
Girardeau last Thursday.

This was eating in

the trailer at a stop 

along I-70 on way

from Hiawatha, KS

to Cape Girardeau

after getting gas at Sam's Club last Thursday.

I have mapped out Sam's Club
and Costco gas stations along
our route.  It saves.

We have been at this park many times over the
last 10 years, but never walked around it.  Yesterday I found lot more here than knew.

Picture at left and
the photo below
were taken from
same spot.
Our trailer in center, with borrowed pickup.
There is a walking/bike trail that borders
the park on east side.  This bridge is at
far corner of the park and leads
to trail going under the next street.
As you can see, I had to slow down
before going across bridge.

I discovered they have a mini
golf course behind
the office.

More later, LC

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