Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Hurricane Nicole coming by our way

 67º with heavy skies and Hurricane Nichole to be in our area by 1 pm tomorrow, (about 40 miles northwest of Orlando, FL) in Leesburg, FL.

Photo of brother Darrell's house yesterday as they were unloading from the wheel chair van.

The five of us drove to Stavro's and Sons
Pizza & Italian restaurant yesterday.

This morning Phyllis & I drove to the closest Costco in Altamonte Springs, FL.  Light rain during the 42 miles over and same back.  

This looks like heavy rain will start here tonight around 10 pm and last until around 2 pm tomorrow, Thursday.  We plan to head north to Mississippi early on Friday morning hoping to be behind the storm as it moves north and northeast from here.

Hoping the winds aren't too high and rain to deep tonight and tomorrow.

If survive, will wright more later,

LC -- st

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