Sunday, November 20, 2022

Week of Thanksgiving 2022

48º with heavy overcast skies here in La Feria, TX at 1:30 pm Sunday.  Rained much of the night and is to rain off and on for several more days.

Looking back on our 21-day trip from Iowa, note the following gas prices:  $3.43 (in Clarinda), $3.39, $3.25, $3.14, $3.00, $3.40, $3.40, $2.95, $3.30, $2.99, $3.10, $3.20, $3.10, $3.13, $3.10, $3.23, $2.95, $2.90, $2.86, $3.00, and $2.82 (at Costco in Pharr here in the Valley).  We used GasBuddy to find best prices wherever we needed gas and often found as much as 30¢ difference within many towns.  The lowest prices were at Sam's Club or Costco, but found that they weren't always close to the Interstate and often had to wait 15 or more minutes in line.

Looking back at our log for 2022, found we were with the trailer 73 days, and stayed it it 66 nights in seven trips--including going Texas to Iowa and Iowa to Texas.  Our home-away-from either home.

Few pics from the

Meet & Greet last

Friday afternoon.

Though I didn't take any pictures, Joe the Veggie Man came and I and one other resident got some veggies in a steady downpour of rain.

Office workers


A few pics of Phyllis sorting, fabric, etc. and sewing with machine gotten in Mississippi.

Saturday was a 2-week catchup clothes wash day.

Will have Thanksgiving dinner at 12 noon in the Recreation Hall this Thursday.  Corp. is furnishing turkey, taters & gravy, and dressing with all residents to bring dish to share.

GROANER'S CORNER:((   An actor had been out of work for years because he always forgot his lines. One day he got a phone call from a director who wanted him for an important part in a play. All the actor had to say was, “Hark! I hear the cannon roar!"  Opening night arrived, and while he waited in the wings, the actor muttered to himself, “Hark! I hear the cannon roar! Hark! I hear the cannon roar!" The time for the entrance finally came. As the actor made his appearance onstage, he heard a loud BOOOOM! He turned around and said, “What the heck was that?”


You know you've reached middle age...When you're cautioned to slow down by your doctor, instead of by the police.


The Priest was preparing a man for his long day's journey into night. Whispering firmly, the Priest said, "Denounce the devil! Let him know how little you think of him!"  The dying man said nothing.  The priest repeated his order.  Still, the man said nothing.  The priest asked, "Why do you refuse to denounce the devil and his evil?"  The dying man said, "Until I know for sure where I'm heading, I don't think I ought to aggravate anybody."



Hope any who are travelling for the Holliday are safe.

Later, LC

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...