Saturday, November 5, 2022

On the road in the morning.

 60º with bright sunshine and a lot of wind here in Cape Camping in Cape Girardeau, MO at 4:00 pm on Saturday.  Rained hard in the night, I would think we got more than an inch of rain.  Of course, sleeping in the trailer we had a lot of noise on the roof and the strong winds were rocking us a bit.

We retrieved our pickup from the repair shop about 11 am and then met Mike & Mary Jo Diamond for lunch at My Daddy's Cheesecake where we got Mary Jo's car back to her and had nice visit with her and Mike. 

Returned to the trailer where we got things moved back from trailer to back of pickup and contacted the Diamonds about lunch.

Phyllis tending to

flowers we are taking

to Texas.

We went to Don & Vicki's and played Uno card game.  A volunteer brought around his Therapy Dog for us to experience for a while.

We are now back at the trailer, have tanks dumped, trailer hooked up to pickup, wheel chocks removed, all jacks except bumper hitch jack are up.  In morning only need to remove electric cord, water hose, and TV Cable and we pull out.  452 miles tomorrow to driveway of Phyllis' cousin Stan Runyan at his rural place near Wesson, Mississippi.
All is well.  LC

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