Monday, October 31, 2022

In Cape Girardeau

 59º with heavy overcast here in Cape Girardeau, MO at 11 am on Monday.

With our borrowed car, we took Don & Vicki out to Yummies Buffet to eat last evening.  They enjoyed getting out.  Since we needed to return the car and get their pickup, we didn't spend time with Don's last night but drove out to the Diamonds and did the switch.  They needed the car today because he is having some surgery in St. Louis and she didn't want to drive the pickup on the return trip.

Saturday, since we were hung up here in Cape, waiting on our pickup repair, we went with the friends who are loaning us their car and went with them and another 6 people to "Mike's Cabin" some 70 miles northeast in Illinois.
We stopped at one of their places to pick up Jim and got a look at his place -- he has been widowed some 7 years -- and is an avid hunter with lots of trophies on the wall.

Pics below are at Mike's Cabin.

They like to target shoot, so spent some time at that.

Fire was built and hotdogs cooked on it.  Later they did some Smores.
The hot dogs along with coleslaw and baked beans with potato chips made the meal.

Later the Smores and lots of visiting.

Yesterday we drove Don & Vicki to their church for the 11 am service.  It is more of the rock & roll type than we are used to.  Guess the "traditional" service was earlier at 9:30

Plan on driving to Chateau to visit with Don & Vicki mid-afternoon and do some dominoes or something and then eat with them at the main dining hall.

More later, Lynn

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