Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Mid October

 63 degrees and overcast in Clarinda at 4:40 pm.

Every day since we got back from Texas in late March we have a doctor who always parks on the street in front of our house.  The hospital, across the street, added many, many parking spaces when they expanded their lots last year, and they are never full, but he parks here.

I have been enjoying fried green tomatoes
the last few days.  The mild frost last week didn't get one of our tomato plants and we are still getting a few red ones from it.  Lots of green ones on it, though and will take remaining ones off the plant before we leave Friday.
To freeze Sunday morning and again Monday morning.

With our leaving in about two weeks, starting to do the things necessary to close up this place.  Did the gutter cleaning on the east side of the shop today, and covered the outside Air Conditioner unit.

Boards ready to cover the pit by the basement window.

Will be going to Marengo this Friday.

Later, LC

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