Tuesday, October 4, 2022

In Branson, Missouri for Larry's Country Diner shows

 63º with bright sunshine here in Branson, MO at 10:30 am on Tuesday.

Standing in line last night to get our
tickets for the week of Larry's Country
Diner shows here in Branson

An interesting sign over the door into the theater.
One of our favorite people - Michelle
Capps - widow of the Sheriff - Jimmy
Capps the late guitar player.


Nadine did her part early in last night's program

Gene Watson put on a
really good show.  Lots
of songs and a good
band - The Farewell Party Band -
named after one of his most
successful songs.

Renae, the waitress,  served the people
who got to sit on stage; a
different group for each
half of the program.

Gene said he has been in
the music business
for 60 years.  He was born
October 11, 1943

We are in our trailer and will be here until Saturday morning.   - More later, LC

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