Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Ready to leave for Texas

 37º and dark at 9:00 pm Tuesday.  After my last two doctor's appointments today and mowing the lawn/leaves for one last time, have trailer hooked up and Phyllis has it packed and I have pickup packed.

Patty came by Saturday, bringing a packed suitcase that we will take down to Kenwood and she will use it when visiting us in February.  Had lunch with us.

Drained the Softub Hot Tub and
put it in the shop.

Deck cleared, benches up under the eaves, and basement "escape window" is covered.

Phyllis cleaned house refrigerator & freezer (eating out of it for some time now) and moved what is left into the trailer.  Will eat out of it on our 2-week trip to Texas.

Pickup pretty well filled up.  Having a few more suitcases of our own since we will not be in the trailer for quite a few days as we travel to Leesburg, FL and leave the trailer near Hazelhurst, Mississippi.

Must include a photo of our Grandson-in-law taking photo of our Great Grandkids with their cousin, on their Dad's side from this weekend.

Will pull out with the trailer in the morning and go to near Hiawatha, KS for some Pegs & Jokers and last visit with Harold & LaRhoda before going Thursday on to Cape Girardeau, MO for a few days.

Will try to keep in touch on the road.  LC

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