Friday, October 7, 2022

Jimmy Fortune and Rhonda Vincent - in Branson

60 degrees at 10:00 am here in Branson, MO -- a little cooler.

Rhonda Vincent wore a dress last night that was much brighter and more "sparkly" than these pictures.  I am trying to have Phyllis get one like it---not successful so far!

She and her band, The Rage, put
on quite a show at Larry's Country Diner show at the Clay Cooper Theater in Branson last night.


 Click HERE for website on Rhonda Vincent.

Thursday afternoon we went to the Jimmy Fortune show, and who came in to sit in our row?  Al & Carolyn Ruhde from Shenandoah -- who we hadn't seen yet this summer.  The girls caught up on all the old news and following the show we went for a bite at Arby's and had this picture below taken.

This is Ivy Phillips, who often accompanies Jimmy with her fiddle.  We had seen her in Clarinda and Braddyville, IA when she was performing with "High Road", a band headed up by Sarah Davidson originally from Braddyville, over the past several years.
Ivy does amazing harmony with Jimmy and also is an excellent fiddle player.  The whole performance was quite good, with Jimmy singing many of his popular songs, many of which he had written.

Click HERE for website on Jimmy Fortune.

Looking forward to seeing the Malpass Brothers and Leona Williams on The Larry's Country Diner Show.

Will head north with the trailer tomorrow morning.

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