Monday, October 24, 2022

Our last week in Iowa for the year

 54º with light rain in Clarinda, IA at 10:50 am with prediction for heavy rain next several hours.  Has been warm ahead of this cold front moving in -- Omaha TV said they had 87º yesterday, which broke an over 100 year record of 84º as previous record high for the date.

Tree leaf colors changed dramatically in last day or so.

Took drive uptown this morning to Easter's Hardware store to get some mouse poison and took these shots of the colors.

Saturday afternoon we attended funeral of Shirley Joens.  She, and her husband Jerry, had sung in the Methodist Church Choir with us for some 40 years.  They moved to near Dallas, TX several years ago to be close to their only son and his family.  Jerry passed away some 4.5 years ago.  Their son and wife, along with almost all their kids and grandkids attended.  Curt and two of his girls gave quite loving recounting of their wife/mother.

This was a printed cloth that hung near the alter.

Got this photo of Linda, our Choir Director and organist, while at the funeral.

Linda is choir director at both our Methodist Church and the Westminster Presbyterian church here in Clarinda, we have joint practices together each Wednesday evening at our church and sing the same songs at our separate churches.  Sunday the combined choirs sang at our Methodist church at 9 am service and then again at the Presbyterian church at their 10:30 am service. 

Didn't get any photo in the Methodist service, but did snap a few at the Presbyterian church.

We are about to get the refrigerator/
freezer empty for our trip south,
and am sure you are
interested in my making
of salad of available

More later, LC

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