Thursday, October 6, 2022

More shows in Branson

 63º with bright sunshine here in Branson, MO at the Ozark Country Campground - CLICK HERE to see where we are at.

Yesterday afternoon we saw the Hughes Brothers show at their own theater here in Branson.  CLICK HERE for their website.  We counted close to 50 entertainers, all the 4 brothers who are here and their families.  They have large families!  And, one of the 5 brothers is living in California - don't know how many kids they have.  They moved there from Branson to be near his wife's family.

Fast paced program with a lot of costume changes and all the kids, and two of the wives, being involved in everything from dancing, singing, playing fiddles and other stringed instruments. 

Last evening we returned to the Clay Cooper Theater for another Larry's Country Diner show.

The Isaacs (Click HERE for their website) put on quite a show.  A mother with her two daughters and son have a very successful music enterprise and they were no disappointment last night.  Ben has a recording studio and records for a lot of musicians.

We were able to see this family last
year when we were at The Arc.
Lilly, the mother, has quite a story
about her parents and relatives
in the Holocaust, many who
did not survive. Click HERE   to
see some of her history.

Renae, the waitress, was all over the place, helping Larry and also serving the several audience members who sat at the tables on stage -- different group before and after the intermission break.
Some guy in the crowd - reportedly 1,000
were at each performance.  I wore the cap to
fend off the air conditioning - my insulation on
top is minimal any more!

Some more attendees

An enjoyable day.  This afternoon we attend a Jimmy Fortune performance before returning to Clay Cooper Theater to see another Larry's Diner show, this time with Rhonda Vincent.

Again tomorrow, LC

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