Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Days 6 & 7 on way to Texas

71º here near Wesson, Mississippi at 10 pm Wednesday night.  Wonderful weather all day.
Headed south Tuesday from Cape Girardeau, MO a little before 8 am

Lots of cotton fields on the delta of northern Arkansas

On I 55, into state of Tennessee

Finally in to Mississippi
Huge cross that caught my attention - but I don't recall where it was.

Logging trucks were not uncommon in Mississippi

An obelisk similar to the George Washington Monument in DC
Arrived at Phyllis' cousin Stan Runyan's place near Wesson, MS about 5:45 after the 435 mile drive.

Had a great supper at their place after setting up the trailer by their driveway in front of the house.
This morning we drove to New Orleans and had a great city tour by Stan's son Lloyd.  I am running on a very small signal here, so will quit this now and finish when we are in Panama City, FL tomorrow afternoon.

Later, Lynn

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