Saturday, October 28, 2017

Cooling again, for the weekend in the Rio Grande Valley

54º here in La Feria, TX at 10:00 am Saturday morning with 21 maph winds out of the north - was 43º earlier this morning.  Thought it was cool the other day!  Was 84º yesterday afternoon.

Added these "stiffener boards" to a bookcase for Phyllis' office
Did some touch up painting on trim.

Close-up of end of cleaner drag
12' long pole with fingers on end to clean roof

Ladder set-up for cleaning roof

Long ways down

Cleaned the leaves from the roof of the old part of carport/Texas room
Leaf accumulation since last March from nearby tree 
and started working on east wall of Texas room around the kitchen window.

Will continue.

Must mention that a close friend of mine during my Senior year in Callaway High School was put in hospice in Scottsdale, AZ last week.  She has suffered from ALS for several years and is reaching the end.  Prayers for Kay Lord Kuehnackle.
12:20 pm -- just heard that Kay passed away at 4:00 am this morning.

GROANER’S CORNER:((  An investment counselor decided to go out on her own. She was shrewd and diligent, so business kept coming in, and pretty soon she realized that she needed an in-house counsel. She began to interview young lawyers. "As I'm sure you can understand," she started off with one of the first applicants, "in a business like this, our personal integrity must be beyond question." She leaned forward. "Mr. Peterson, are you an honest lawyer?" "Honest?" replied the job prospect. "Let me tell you something about honest. Why, I'm so honest that my father lent me $15,000 for my education, and I paid back every penny the minute I tried my very first case." "Impressive. And what sort of case was that?" The lawyer squirmed in his seat and admitted, "He sued me for the money."
Q: How did the blonde rob the drive-up window at the bank?
A: She put her gun in the little basket along with a note that said "This is a stick-up"

“2017 would have been a great year to open up a unisex haircut place and call it 'Totally Clips'.”
Knock Knock
Who's there !
Four Eggs!
Four Eggs who ?
Four Eggs ample !

Take care of yourself, be well, and keep in touch.  Lynn

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...