Friday, October 13, 2017

16th day since leaving Clarinda - almost there!

77º here in Victoria, Texas at 9:00 pm.

Well, today I did everything against my unwritten laws   1) never drive over 300 miles with the trailer --- today drove 657;  2) stop by 3 or 4 pm at an RV Park -- got here at 8:15 pm;  3) don't drive after dark -- drove the last hour in the dark; 4) stop for lunch out of the pickup -- stopped a few times for potty break and on one of them fixed some sandwiches in the trailer and drove while we ate them.  Drove for almost 12 1/2 hours!

But, we covered enough ground that we can get to our home in La Feria by mid-afternoon tomorrow and open the house and get somewhat settled in before dark!

We are in Lazy Longhorn RV Park in Victoria - have stayed here before and since we were so late they just gave us a spot to stop in over the phone and we will check in and out in the morning.

Doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason for the varying gas prices.  Got this this morning - $2.10, had paid $2.42 in Pensacola, FL and about that in Leesburg.  On the road today saw two places, across the highway from each other pricing gas at $2.199 for cash and $2.299 credit -- about a mile down the highway a station didn't have two prices -- just $2.499.  Drove by several $2.599 prices and on the east side of Houston at Baytown spotted $2.159 so filled up.

In Houston we were just about 4:45 pm -- rush hour -- I 10 was stop and go, mostly stop, so we took the Tollway around the south part of Houston which moved pretty freely; worth the $11 in tolls.

Exhausted tonight - will post some pictures of Pensacola some other time.

GROANER’S CORNER:((  Before performing a baptism, the priest approached the young father and said solemnly, "Baptism is a serious step. Are you prepared for it?" "I think so," the man replied. "My wife has made appetizers and we have a caterer coming to provide plenty of cookies and cakes for all of our guests." "I don't mean that," the priest responded. "I mean, are you prepared spiritually?"   "Oh, sure," came the reply. "I've got a keg of beer and a case of whiskey."
- “Why did the referee get fired? Because he was a whistle blower!”
- If you see someone writing with their finger, you should offer them a pen for their thoughts.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Butter who?
Butter bring an umbrella, it looks like it might rain!

Later, Lynn

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