Monday, October 9, 2017

Day 11 on way to Texas - Hudson, Tarpon Springs, and Leesburg, FL

82º with a "feel like" of 88º here in Leesburg, FL at 8:00 pm Monday night.
This was on our tire the other morning--is it a frog eating
a young frog????????????
Took this off Facebook - our
GGrandaughter feeding herself
with a spoon.  A bit messy.

This and the following pictures are for the benefit of our Clarinda, IA neighbors Bob & Carol. Phyllis & I spent the day, after having breakfast with my brother & sister-in-law, driving the 70-some miles to Hudson, FL and looked over their winter home.  Nice place and on a canal where they can boat right out to the Gulf.

One bloom on the bottle-brush tree

After Hudson we drove on out on the Gulf at Tarpon Springs and walked around the area
Ate Grouper fish for lunch at Mama's

At Mama's

Phyllis got an air-plant and a real sponge to let it grow in.
Tarpon Springs was settled by the Greek people who did the diving for sponges in the 20th Century and many of the restaurants were Greek themed with lots of sea-food.  Tarpons are large air-breathing fish of the genus Megalops; one species is native to the Atlantic, and the other to the Indo-Pacific Seas. They are the only members of the family Megalopidae. CLICK HERE for info on Tarpon Springs
Sponges for sale

Rained on us a bit on way back north to Leesburg

On return to Leesburg we ate supper at the Ramshackle Cafe

At the Ramshackle Cafe

This and photos below are of some of the signs I saw on t-shirts and stuff at the touristy area in Tarpon Springs.

On the way back to Leesburg this afternoon I programmed the GPS to our winter home in Kenwood RV Park in Texas and found we are about as many miles from there now as we were when we left Clarinda -- about 1,260 miles.   We will head back to Pensacola tomorrow.

GROANER’S CORNER:((  A new bride was a bit embarrassed to be known as a honeymooner. So when she and her husband pulled up to the hotel, she asked him if there was any way that they could make it appear that they had been married a long time.  He responded, "Sure. You carry the suitcases!"
Two red heads were flying to Miami from Cleveland. Fifteen minutes into the flight, the captain announced "One of the engines has failed and the flight will be an hour longer. But don't worry we have three engines left".  Thirty minutes later, the captain announced "One more engine has failed and the flight will be two hours longer. But don't worry we have two engines left".  An hour later the captain announced "One more engine has failed and the flight will be three hours longer. But don't worry we have one engine left". One red head looked at the other the other red head and said "If we lose one more engine, we'll be up here all day"
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Avenue who?
Avenue knocked on this door before?

Later, Lynn

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