Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Last day of 2019

Today is the last day you can do anything in 2019.  59 degrees at 8:50 am this Tuesday morning, with heavy overcast.  Prediction is for slight rain chances later this afternoon and then serious rain moving in about midnight and to be steady rain all day January 1st.

                                                                                                                                                                                     For the first time ever, we are renting out trailer out.  Good friend from Fort Dodge, IA - Betty Schneider - will turn 90 in February and all of her family will be present.  One daughter is staying with her now and another sister and husband will come this week and stay through February.  We wouldn't let just anybody use it, but feel Nancy will take good care of it.  They won't be in until Thursday or Friday, but rain is in forecast so moved and set it up yesterday.

Pretty small for full-time use with only bed, couch and bathroom along with refrigerator and cook stove, but is across from Betty's unit and will be handy for them.

Received these two photos from our table mate on the cruise ship Paul Lucia.  They are when we de-boarded the ship in San Diego, CA on December 6, 2019

 Table we got from Dave Engle many years ago and have in the Texas Room had broken (come apart at the glue area between boards) in two places a couple years ago.  When we played cards on it with Harold and LaRhoda a few weeks ago one side popped down with LaRhoda.  When I turned it upside down on the work bench it popped apart in another place.  So, did a glue and Kreg pocket hole repair.  Top is a little uneven, but if sand down will have to refinish so leaving it.

  Last evening we had Bill & Kathy Connelly and Leonard & Nonie Lund over for several games of Pegs & Jokers.  Hard to believe, but I never thought of getting my camera out.  Nonie and Leonard used to be in this park with a fifth wheel, but now own a park model or mobile home in Ranchero Village RV in Weslaco, TX -- about 12 miles west and south of us.

Will go to Barbershop Chorus practice this afternoon and then having a group over for soup and pot luck supper here with Pegs & Jokers afterwards.  With rain all day tomorrow probably won't get out on the trike much so will do some now before we leave for McAllen.

See you next year!

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