Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Years Day 2020

Well, a new decade - 2020.  Started raining in middle of the night and have had about 60 hundredth of rain with it still raining now at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, the 1st of January.  62 degrees, so not bad that way.  Had our group (all except Harold as he is still in Rehab unit in Harlingen) for soup supper and Pegs & Jokers last night.  Phyllis made Chili and Chicken & Noodle Soup, and others brought Vegetables, lots of crackers with cheese balls, etc., macaroni salad, and Pumpkin Cake with Ice Cream for after the Pegs & Jokers Games.

Everybody got a chance to overeat and then we played about 5 games of Pegs & Jokers and then ate some Pumpkin Cake that Darlene had made, with lots of frosting as well as a dip of vanilla Ice Cream.  Everyone went home a little after 11:30 pm.  I had run slide show of pictures from our cruise during most of the evening on our TV.  I did turn the TV onto the New York scene about 15 minutes before Midnight and saw all the damned fools crowded there.  Got no use for it and did not watch any more.  Of course, all the locals here had to shoot off fireworks for hours and hours before the midnight hour!!!  What idiots.

Eating the huge piece of cake with Ice Cream.  Think we did play another game or two afterwards.

 Phyllis and I went to Men of A-Chord Barbershop Chorus practice yesterday.  Will have practices on Tuesday and Friday afternoons for a while.  First program is the 12th of January and we are still having guys show up just now coming to the Valley.

Finally made contact with our table mates on the cruise last month and Paul sent some photos from his camera.

These two photos were when we had just gotten off the ship in San Diego.

Later, Lynn

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