Friday, January 10, 2020

Windy, windy, and more wind

Was low of about 67 degrees overnight - had many windows open in the house overnight.  Wind last couple days in the 30's and 40 mph.  Today forecast winds steady at 40 mph with gusts to 55 mph.  Need a rock in your pocket to stay on the ground.
CLICK HERE  to see video I took last night in Pharr, TX at Center Church when the Singing Cadets from Texas A & M at College Station, Texas performed.  The sponsoring group - Senior Ambassadors of the Rio Grande Valley sang with them during a couple songs.

They had 2 quartets perform - this is from first half of program

This quartet was in second half of program

We at supper at Rudy's BBQ in Pharr before going to the concert.  Always good food there.

As we were entering the church for the concert we came on Lee and Kathy Saunders.  They spent a few years in Kenwood RV before buying a house in Alamo.  They are quite active in the area and even come back to the park to teach Bible Study on Wednesday mornings here.  Had quite a visit with them.

Meinself with Deane and Dick Messer.

Well, is after lunch - local TV reported winds 35-45 mph and Harlingen recorded  gust of 54 mph.  Really windy out.

We are heading to McAllen to practice for the Men of A-Chord.  Will do more this evening.

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