Monday, January 13, 2020

First Men of A-Chord Barbershop Chorus performance done

 Yesterday, Sunday the 12th, we did our first barbershop chorus performance.  First picture shows the red vests we wore the first half of the program.  I did not think to give Darlene the camera until at our break, so she got some photos of the second half. 
 We normally wear our vests with the black side out for second half, but due to excessive perspiration during the first half we were allowed not to wear them later.  Phyllis is singing Tenor (highest part) and I am singing Lead (second highest part).  Had quite a few men missing for this performance.  

Larry and Kathy Liebig, from northern Missouri, spend their winters in Winter Ranch there in Alamo, TX, since they were not at our performance, we looked them up afterwards and had a short visit (was during half-time of the Kansas City Chief's football game so they were able to visit a while. Larry, a retired Missouri Highway Patrolman, still does some square dance calling -- which is where we got acquainted with them.

Saturday afternoon we went to Dixieland RV in Harlingen to listen to Freddy & Sheila.  They are a great couple, and Freddie comes as close to Chet Atkins on the guitar as you will ever hear.  I videoed the  program and then changed it to audio so can listen when in the pickkup.
Got some groceries Saturday - see picture of beef jerky

This ws a very brilliant colored sunset - never come sthrough on photos.

  Saturday I rode all the streets in the park, in both directions, with video running to show the units that are here now.  You can view this video CLICK HERE

Is 10:15 am Monday now - must quit so we can leave for Gatti's Pizza for bingo and food.

Later, Lynn

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