Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas 2019

74º here in La Feria, TX at 12 Noon on Wednesday.  Just finished riding the trike 7.86 miles - will try to finish 10 miles after the Christmas Dinner at the Rec Hall.

At right is a list of Things to think about:  that I have had on the computer for some time.

 Bobi Raab surprised all when she played the piano along with Pat Smith at the electric organ.  Pat usually does the piano playing.

I had a reading:

After several readings and carol singing the skit "Kneeling Santa" was performed.

Kneeling Santa Skit (God’s voice in bold)

     Once upon a time, not very long ago, two women shoppers were talking –obviously very concerned.  “Buying Christmas gifts for family and friends is one thing—and I am glad to do it—but I’m afraid Santa Clause is taking over.  He is causing many people to forget the real significance of Christmas”

     “I agree!  After all, it is Jesus’ birthday!” her friend responded.

     Now, Santa overhears a lot when he is out making his list of who’s been naughty or nice—and much of what he hears goes in one ear and out the other.  But, this Christmas he couldn’t stop thinking about what the women had said.

    Even while helping the elves load his sleigh on Christmas Eve those awful words rang in his ears.  Could they possibly be right?

     As he went from house to house delivering toys, Santa couldn’t stop worrying.  Some people do forget Jesus on Christmas.  Could it be his fault?

     Santa’s last stop—as usual—was at a church that had a life-size Nativity scene.  Every year Santa loved to be the first person to wish Jesus “Happy Birthday” – and he always brought special present for the Christ Child.

     But this year Santa’s footsteps were slow and heavy.  He opened the door at the back of the church and crept into the very last pew.  His feet refused to carry him forward to the crib where the figure of the infant Jesus lay.    (Santa enters – wait until gets in and sits in chair)

     He hid his present under the pew.  He had never felt so drained.  A tear rolled down his cheek.  Even though children had left him cookies and milk—and many loving letters—he still couldn’t remember when he had felt so sad or so alone.

     “What’s wrong?  Giving presents was always such a joy before,” Santa thought.  He sat back and closed his eyes, when suddenly he heard a voice calling, “Santa! St. Nicholas!

     Santa quickly wiped his eyes.  He didn’t want anyone to see him crying!

     He looked around the church.  The voice sounded familiar, but there was no one in sight.

     “Cheer up!  It’s certainly not your fault that some people forget the significance of this day.  Ever since you were born in far off Turkey, only 300 years after my son Jesus was born, you’ve done farm more than most to spread the true Christmas Spirit!”

     Santa could hardly believe his ears.  God was actually talking to him!  And his voice was warm and loving.  He didn’t sound angry at all!

     “Don’t ever forget your long and distinguished career!  It all began when, at a very young age, you were named Bishop of Myra because of your many acts of charity.”

     Santa smiled, suddenly remembering his colorful past.  “Everyone called me Nicholas then,” he recalled, “and that’s when I first discovered how great it feels to help those in need.”

     “And you certainly helped them often.  Remember that poor merchant who didn’t have enough money to pay for weddings for his three daughters?  You secretly threw a bg of gold into each girl’s window, thinking that no one would see you—but someone did.  For that good deed you were named patron saint of young marriageable maidens.  The three gold balls that hang outside pawn shops to this day represent those three bags of gold.”

     Santa chuckled quietly.  He’d forgotten that!

     “You’ve always loved children.  Among many other good deeds, you were credited with rescuing some young boys from a horrible death and were named patron saint of children.”

     “That’s the title I treasure most of all.  And, I’m the patron saint of Russia, too!”.  A big smile lit up his face.  He certainly had led a busy and exciting life!  “Churches in many cities are named after me.  My feast day, St. Nicholas day, is December 6th, a very special day for celebrations and gift giving in many parts of the world.”

        “You are known by many names as well.  From the German you are called ‘Kris Kringle’, which literally means ‘Christ Child’.”

        “That’s true—but my most popular name is Santa Claus!  Some say it comes from the Dutch ‘Sinter Claes’, but I like to think it comes from the way small children say ‘St. Nicholas.’  ‘SaintNicholas, Saintnicholas, Santa Claus!’”

         Santa pulled thoughtfully on his beard and looked down at his bright red suit.  Red had been his favorite color ever since he wore the red robes of a bishop.  But he hadn’t been so fat then!

     “Jesus and I want to thank you for helping spread the news about Christmas to every corner of the world.  Every year you help millions of people, young and old, show how much they love one another.  Because of you people everywhere fill their hearts with joy and love on Jesus’ special day!”

     “Thank you, God,” Santa whispered.  He felt better than he had felt for months.  His was a very special job after all!      Santa jumped up.  Next year he would work even harder filling hearts with love and joy so they would be ready for the Christ Child on Christmas morning.  He could hardly wait!

     The morning sun streamed through the stained-glass windows of the church.  It bathed the figure of the infant Jesus in its bright, warm rays.  Santa reached under the pew and pulled out the present he had brought for the Christ Child.

     He knew he would have to hurry if he wanted to be the first person to wish Jesus “Happy Birthday.”  He almost ran up the aisle and knelt before the infant Jesus.  He reverently placed his beautifully wrapped package next to the manger.

     It was the same present he had given Jesus every year, but now he knew for sure it was the one present Jesus wanted most of all.  Inside the box were Santa’s lists of the kind and loving things people—young and old—had done for one another during the year.

     “Happy Birthday,” Santa whispered to Jesus.  “And please thank your Father for making a special place for me in his plan.  I promise never to doubt his wisdom again.”

     He smiled lovingly at the figure of the tiny infant.

     Now no one who comes to church on Christmas and sees Santa Kneeling there thinks it strange at all.  They can see that it is the perfect place for Santa Claus to be on Christmas.

     And some people, the legend says, even insist that the Babe in the manger is smiling back at Santa.

Talked with brother Don on phone this morning and intend to call brothers Darrell & Roger after bit.

More later, Lynn

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