Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wednesday before Christmas

59º at Kenwood RV at 2 pm Wednesday.
Was a little chilly this morning, but the wind finally went down.  It had been in the 20's and 30 mph for several days and was getting kind of tiresome.

I add this photo for benefit of any of my Callaway, Nebraska High School 1961 Alumni who may be reading.  She grew up in Callaway and was in our class in Grade School, but moved to Fremont, NE when she was 14.  Carol Farmer Dennis has kept in touch with her quite often and notified me of Linda's passing.  I think she came to some of our Class Reunions, but I was not a close friend.  Carol said Linda died in her sleep when taking a nap during the day.

Didn't take any photos, but Phyllis went with me to Men of A-Chord practice yesterday and sang with me in the Lead section.  Wife of one of the Bass singers also came and sang in Lead section, also.  She got along well and intends to go back.

Just a photo to show we are finally making use of the Texas Room.  With it all glass, it is really light there, and stays relatively warm in cool weather; and, with the big screened windows it is bug free and fairly cool in warm weather.

I drove LaRhoda and Harold Nehere to the Harlingen Hospital this morning.  Harold fell a week or so ago and his right foot is really swollen, red, and finally started giving him pain last night.  They did not find any broken bones, but are keeping him in the hospital to give him antibiotics intravenously.   He doesn't like hospitals, but reluctantly agreed to stay.

Will sign off for now - Lynn

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