Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cold and Windy

50º at 10 AM Tuesday with 20-30 MPH wind.  Winds have been high for last several days -- out of south until yesterday afternoon and now out of the north.


 Weather a little different from yesterday - this was my indoor-outdoor thermometer this morning.  Yesterday temperature was close to 90º with very hard south winds.  In afternoon changed to the north and hard winds all night.

Though it seemed cold this morning, wasn't as cool as in Shenandoah, IA - this photo from Patty Steckelberg from near her office with frost on all the trees.  Temperature there is 23º according to KMAland on the internet.

 Last evening, after Phyllis finished with helping put on the "cookie exchange" for the ladies up at the Rec Hall, we went to the American Legion in La Feria for their Spaghetti Supper.  Then we rode several miles around the park when we returned.

Yesterday I transplanted some of the tomato plants into bigger pots and put up the wind/sun screen that we had used 10 years ago on the north end of what was our deck at that time, to hang on the trellis panels to cut the sun from the west in late afternoon.  With the cool harsh north winds this morning, after coming back from chair exercises at the Rec Hall I lowered the screen and fastened the edges to keep some of the wind off the plants.

Took a sprout off root inside the boards to transplant

Above is the tree I cut off the roots near the big tree above right.  I had to cut through total of four roots to get this free.  Have a few small roots below the bug chunk of root, so hope will be enough to root down.  At right is the frame I put up around it to keep the lawn mower guys away from it.  Used all scrap lumber from my cache.

 Sunday we sang in the choir at the church here in the Rec Hall.  Had four singers.  After service we went, with several others, uptown to the La Feria Cafe.

 Saturday evening we had next-door neighbors Harold and LaRhoda Neher come over to play Pegs & Jokers in our Texas Room.  This allowed Harold to stay on his electric scooter and not have to climb the steps to the house.  Had an enjoyable evening --- except times I would draw lousy cards, like shown at right.

More later, Lynn

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