Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday in the VALLEY

87º here in La Feria at 4:00 pm on Saturday.  Looks like I haven't posted for a while!

Early this afternoon we helped quite a few other park residents take all the chairs and tables out, wipe down with bleach, power wash, dry and re-stack and put them all away.

This morning (Saturday) we helped serve pancakes, sausage and eggs for breakfast to about 35 park people.

Men of A-Chord singing at 8:30 pm
 Last night (Friday) we drove some 30 miles to the west to Quinta Mazatlan where they had their


There were many small groups performing, many with lights, young kids singing, small bands, etc.  We went early enough, with Dick & Deane Messer to be able to walk quite a long path through the woods where they had set up Christmas


 as celebrated on various continents - Africa, North America, Australia, etc. etc.  Took about 45 minutes to walk the entire trail.  Was pitch black and they had illuminated jugs marking pathways and quite a few different displays for the different locations.  There were quite a lot of people going through.

Dick & Deane - they took our pic but haven't got it yet

Our Barbershop group was at 8:30 pm

 Thursday night we went up to Rec Hall for first Bean Bag Baseball of this season.

Friday we went shopping at Sam's Club for the food to prepare this morning for the breakfast here at Kenwood.  Also got caught up a little on our own groceries as we hadn't been shopping in over four weeks.  In this picture we were finishing up with things at Walmart.

Gotta go - neighbors here to play Pegs & Jokers

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