Tuesday, September 17, 2019

September over half gone!

88º here in Clarinda, IA at 2:00 pm Tuesday.
Just uploaded video of three girls playing CLICK HERE from Maengo on Sunday.

We got gas in Osceola, IA Saturday at $2.23 and yesterday it was $2.31 here in Clarinda.  Phyllis just got back from the farmers market on the square and said it had gone to $2.41 this afternoon.

The ash tree between the house and shop is sure turning yellow and loosing leaves.  Assume it is just fall coming and not the Ash Borer.
 I showed Jessica, Phyllis and Patty putting together a necklace with beads.  Here is the finished product.  Oh, and I put together some video of Patty, Phyllis & Jessica this weekend See it HERE
The Baumgartners have been storing their camper in front of our shop during the winter.  They had us over for a thank-you supper last night.  They will use the space again this winter.

Here are a few of the pictures of great niece Emma Miles - one with her dad Steve Miles:

They are living in Germany and said that Emma is picking up the German language.

These darn weeds won't give up!

GROANER'S CORNER:((   Two men are hiking through the woods when one of them cries out, “Snake! Run!”  His companion laughs at him. “Oh, relax. It’s only a baby,” he says. “Don’t you hear the rattle?”
“Moby Dick didn't have a funeral but he did have a huge wake.”
A tom cat and a tabby cat were courting on a back fence at night.  The tom leaned over to the tabby with pent up passion and purred... "I'll die for you".  The tabby gazed at him from under lowered eye lids and asked, "How many times?".

Later, Lynn

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