Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Great weather in Iowa

75º at 4:30 pm Wednesday and has been a great weather day in Clarinda, IA today.  Even turned off the air conditioner and opened some windows this morning!
Replaced 6 solar lights with these two - much brighter

Saw these bright flowers when riding trike today.
I only rode 4.66 miles today, but it was from home up to the Square -- and -- you don't realize how many hills are in town until you are on a bike/trike.  I am thinking the up-hill parts made the ride equivalent to the 7 miles I intended to ride.  I went to the hearing aid office and had my hearing aids cleaned for the first time this summer, and set up a hearing test for next week.
As shown above, used a mop to rub down the underside and some of the top of the awning on the trailer, removing some mold that had built up over the last 4 years.  Also cleaned the upper part of the front of the trailer.

Darrell & Lin have arranged to have lunch with brother Roger & his wife tomorrow in Lincoln.  They will return here afterwards.  Phyllis & I had our eyes checked this morning and then spent some time at the Fareway Grocery Store -- she went to help with the Food Pantry at the church this afternoon.

Later, Lynn

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