Saturday, September 21, 2019

Got Terry Smith here and he had a good show.

Well, where has the time gone?  Here it is 5:30 pm Saturday afternoon - overcast and rainy in Clarinda with temperature of 75º.
Last Thursday we drove to St. Joe, MO and ate lunch with Burl & Donna Penny and Harold & LaRhoda Neher, then went to the Penny's place and played Pegs & Jokers.
Neher's brought apples & cucumbers from Kansas

LaRhoda, Harold and Donna

Phyllis, Burl, and LaRhoda

We were getting ready to leave.
LaRhoda had brought a good apple pie and Donna added some ice cream to it -- delicious.
Phyllis' cousin Anita, from Ankeny, stopped by for a visit Friday afternoon

Went to the choir practice at the Methodist Church which was jointly with the choir from Westminster Presbyterian church, on Wednesday evening.  Was first time director Linda Naven was back for the season -- and last for us.  After we sing this Sunday, we won't be here for the singing until April -- 2020.

Terry Smith, song writer and entertainer, from Nashville, TN performed a program this morning at Westridge Care and Rehab Center here in Clarinda.  Phyllis had arranged for him to come.  Had a nice turnout from the residents and quite a few outsiders whom we had contacted.  If you were in Clarinda, but didn't come, you missed a swell program.  I videoed it and you can see it HERE

Been a good day.  This afternoon a classmate of Phyllis' - Chris Schindler came by for a visit and Tom Wagoner's brother (Can't remember his name) from Colorado - in town for his 50th high school reunion, stopped by for a visit.

More sometime when I remember to write.

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