Thursday, September 26, 2019

Anticipating rain

68º outside with heavy overcast clouds.  Predicted rain for some time:
Seems like we have been quite active this week.  I rode 12 miles on trike yesterday, 10 miles two days before and 9 and 8 miles before that.  Haven't gotten out on it this morning, though did walk over to the hospital twice.
Sunday was our last time singing in the choir this year as we leave for Texas before the next time they sing.

The other day, after pumping up

one tire every month or so since it was
bought new this spring, I finally decided to
take it off and have it fixed.

Ended up they had to replace the 
valve stem on it.  Would loose about
20 pounds every month or so, 
hopefully won't need to do that now.

 Monday evening we had our old
country neighbors over for supper.  They lived across Highway 2 and to the west of us when we lived in the country.  They now live across Highway 2 and to the east of us here in town.
 Jim has had eye trouble for years and can barely see.  In the last month or so he has become nearly deaf and was unable to have a conversation with us.  His wife, Evelyn, has had some strokes recently and speaks very slow and hesitantly, making this very difficult to visit with.  Another old neighbor, who still lives in the country, Marcene Von Diligan, came also and did some "interpreting" for us.
 On Wednesday good friend Mary Jo Herzberg came from Villisca and we ate at one of the Mexican Restaurants on north 16th street.  Patty Steckelberg, from Shenandoah, was able to join us later and all visited.

Judy Heuer, Phyllis' cousin, had us come
up to her place here in town and
wants us to help her put some old 
relative pictures on digital.  She finally
agreed to write on the back of
them so when I scanned them I could
put that info on the pictures.  She will
try to get that done this winter.

Got a new anode rode for the electric heater in the travel trailer.  Flushed out all the stuff and put the new one in.
Then drained the fresh water tank and re-filled with fresh water.  Getting ready to live in the trailer next Tuesday night through Monday morning in Fremont, Nebraska at the Old Time Music Festival.

Took this while on trike

Ran the generator for a while yesterday.  Taking it along just in case we might need it next week.  Supposed to have electric hook up.

Looks like rain for us in Fremont, NE, also

Trimmed some on the bottom of the Juniper bush by the front door.  May remove it completely next summer.
Wild clouds this morning.

Will close off for now.  Lynn

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