Monday, September 9, 2019


74º here in Clarinda, IA at 9:15 am with predicted high of 73º and scattered showers.
 After going to church, and singing in the choir (we hadn't been notified that rehearsals had begun) - I was the only male and there weren't too many females - we went across the street to the setup in the parking lot of the hospital for their 80th year being in Clarinda.

 I added some bricks to the lower corner of the cement in front of the shop where they had been leaning, and then went to the farm and got six buckets of dirt and added it to the area below the bricks.  Yesterday we rode the trikes over to Orcheln's and got some grass seed and cheese cloth, to keep it from washing.  Got it done and then added sprinkling of dirt over the top of the cheese cloth after these photos were taken.  The dirt is very wet from the 2.5" of rain we got Sunday morning and predicted showers today should maybe give it a chance.
Beth & Steve Gregory (Phyllis' sister) arrived from Grand Lake, CO last evening and we had late supper of BBQ'd pork chops, grits and lettuce salad.  They are heading out this morning to funeral of son of dear friends of theirs and we are heading to hospital for my check-up following heart surgery and my 3-month diabetes checkup.


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