Sunday, September 8, 2019

Heavy rain overnight

69º in Clarinda, IA at 11:45 am Sunday.  Had 2.5" of rain through the night.  Had been a bit dry and this was welcome.
Darrell & Lin left Saturday morning, heading for Hamilton, MO to look at all the fabrics in that town.  Phyllis & I went to a Celebration of Life of Life of Norma Thomsen at the Bethesda Church.

Phyllis got out several family photo albums that Darrell went through and he got to asking me about some -- I ended up photoing them for my collection on the computer.  These may not interest anyone other than our relatives, but here are several over the years.

 Was especially interested in these early pictures of my Mom.  Don't recall seeing them before.

Spent Saturday afternoon repairing the Lazy Boy Recliner:
The hospital, across the street from us, is celebrating 80 years in Clarinda and having the Page County Cattlemen barbecue something and a lot of tents are set up over there.  Will go over after bit and fill you in later.
Later, Lynn

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