Friday, June 14, 2019

Tired, but a little better.

71º with bright sunshine and 14 mph winds with gusts to 27 mph.  Had a little rain as we woke up this Friday morning.
Click to enlarge this and read.  Hilarious!

Will post some photos from when in Lincoln with the heart surgery.  I had a lot of wonderful nurses (maybe 1/3 of them men) and the support people who continually were checking on me and giving me room service that I knew I wouldn't get quite so much of at home.
Patty and Cam with me on June 5th

Removing the main bandage

Niece Julie Miles who lives in Lincoln.

Granddaughters Ashley & Emmily

Julie & Ashley

The board that kept track of what was going on.



Grand Son-in-law Heath


With lady bug pillow

Kids brought balloons an

Stacey kept track of things and explained a
lot about when released.  She has called several
times since I left the hospital.

Can't remember this nurses name, but he
had several day shifts with me.

I thought food was great, though didn't have much appitite
the first couple days.

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Balloons made it home with me.

I see local doctor Monday and get leg stitches out and then consult the Heart PT department there at the Hospital.
Thought For The Day – There is nothing sweeter than the sound of a baby laughing. Unless it’s the middle of the night and you are home alone. And you don’t have a baby.   Lynn

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