Monday, June 3, 2019

Day before heart surgery

65º with overcast and rain moving in from southwest here in Clarinda, IA at 10:30 am Monday.

Michelle drove in, from Ohio, about 9:30 pm Friday night.  She and Phyllis went out to the cemetery on Saturday to pickup flowers put out at Memorial Day.
There was the big Cruzzin' Clarinda with something around 150 antique cars, newer pickups, motorcycles, tractors and many things with display on the square after noon and then the long parade at 6:00 pm.  Have gone most years when we are in town, but I didn't feel the time in the humidity and heat would be a good thing for me so we passed on it this year.

Went to church on Sunday and had many, many people wish me luck for surgery Tuesday and say they would be praying for me.  Judy Heuer came by  Sunday as well as Pat Steckelberg. For some reason I did not pull out my camera -- not like me.  Did get calls from many friends and relatives wishing me the best.
Did take this picture from the bedroom window of
Phyllis & Michelle talking on the deck.

Got out scrap 2" x 4" and some plywood for Michelle and
she made two of these -- which she will cover with fabric
and use as steps for her dog Dawson to get up on sofa.
Finally finished the shelves in the trailer
with some  stretchy Parachute Cord to
hold things in place when we are going
down the road.

We plan on leaving here after lunch today, drive to Omaha and then down Interstate 80 to Lincoln and check in to the motel.  The Missouri River is once again high enough that Highway 2 is closed around Interstate 29 on the way to Nebraska City.  29 is closed from just south of Highway 34 to near St. Joeseph, MO.  Terrible situation for many of the people along  I-29 who have been out of there homes since early March.  Michelle will drive her own car so she can leave from Lincoln later in the week to head back to Columbus.  Cam & Pat are to get in late in the evening, driving from eastern Iowa and plan to stay until sometime Wednesday, I think.  I am to check into Bryan East hospital by 5:00 am Tuesday and to go into surgery at 8:00 am. for the open-heart surgery with at least 3 bypasses.  Predicted I will be in Intensive Care unit for a couple days and then around 5 days in regular room before I am to head back home to heal up from the chest opening surgery.  I do not know if I will post anything on this blog until I get back home.  May do some on the phone.

The good news about mid-life is that the glass is still half- full...of course, the bad news is that it won't be long before your teeth are floating in it. 

Mid-life women no longer have upper arms, we have wingspans...we are no longer women in sleeveless shirts, we are flying squirrels in drag. 

Mid-life has hit you when you stand naked in front of a mirror and can see your rear end without turning around. 

Mid-life brings the wisdom that life throws you curves...and that you're now sitting on your biggest ones. 

Mid-life is when you start to repeat yourself...and your chins follow suit. 

You become more reflective in mid-life. You start pondering the "big" questions -- what is life, why am I much Healthy Choice ice cream can I eat before it's no longer a healthy choice?
When asked for her occupation, a woman charged with a traffic violation said she was a school teacher. The judge rose from the bench. "Madam, I have waited years for a school teacher to appear before this court," he smiled with delight. "Now sit down at that table and write out 'I will not pass through a red light' five hundred times!"

'Nuf Said - Lynn

1 comment:

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...