Friday, June 21, 2019

2nd day at Cardiac Rehab

79º at 7:00 pm Friday.  Had bright sunshine since noon - had storm move through early morning and got 3/4" of rain from it.

Walked around perimeter of  hospital grounds twice yesterday for about a mile of walking.  Today went to Rehab; spent 20 minutes each on two machines.  Showed about a 1.5 miles on each, then some stretching exercises.  Was able to take nap this afternoon.

GROANER'S CORNER:(( Donna's husband Mike died suddenly one day. Donna was taking care of the funeral arrangements with the undertaker when she was asked how she wanted Mike's obituary to read. Donna asked the undertaker, "How much does an obituary cost?" The undertaker replied, "One dollar per word."  Donna then said, "I want the obituary to read - MIKE IS DEAD." The under taker was an old fishing buddy of Mike's and he was a little disturbed by such a curt obituary, so he offered, "I'll make you a special deal since I knew Mike so well. I'll pay for half of the obituary out of my own pocket." Donna's face lit up and she replied, "Great. I want it to read - MIKE IS DEAD, BOAT FOR SALE." 
Q: What do you call someone who can’t stick with a diet? 
A: A desserter.

See what tomorrow brings - Lynn

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