Thursday, June 20, 2019

Some history on my grade school

 As usual, I am not organized here.  These are photos I found of the Lower Lodi Grade School that I attended - District 73.  It was about 2 miles from our place.

It had 10 grades up until Roger was going into 9th grade and they closed the high school part and he boarded with a family in Callaway his freshman year during the week and came home on weekends.

As I recall, I started school as a Kindergartner in March.  I remember having to read several of the books the last day of school to catch up with Carolyn Downin, who had started in September.
We were the only ones in my grade.  It seems like most of the time there were only 8 to 12 of us in the school.  My graduation from grade school was in Broken Bow, NE with the entire Custer County 8th grade.

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