Thursday, June 13, 2019

Heart surgery done and recovering at home.

67º with bright sunshine here in Clarinda, IA with predicted high of 78º.  I probably won't be out in it much other then for a little walking.

Been a while since I wrote.  Got home 4:10 pm this Monday from Bryan East Heart Hospital, but have not gotten the energy up to go the 14 steps downstairs to where my computer is.  I did a lot of writing on the phone while laid up, but that is very tedious and I don't have much control over maneuvering the photos.

I got to Bryan East just before 5 am Tuesday, June 4th,  and was in the surgery room just before 8 am.  These first two photos are of my wife, Phyllis and daughter Michelle with son Cameron and his wife Pat waiting in the surgery waiting room.

One of my nurses adjusting things  1:15 pm on Wednesday.
Granddaughters Emily & Ashley, with Ashley'' daughter
Jessica got there Friday evening.

Jessica let me only "borrow" Skie the little stuffed dog while she was there.

Taking one of my walks, holding Lady Bug pillow to my chest to
minimize pain of breathing deep or coughing, while walking, and
carrying Skie
Have more photos, but I am a little tuckered now at 11:15 am and am going back up to my recliner.

Had SO MANY people call, write e-mails or on Facebook, send cards, etc. both for my 4-bypass open heart surgery and my 76th birthday this Monday.

Later, Lynn

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