Friday, September 1, 2017

September first

New month, delightful temperature--and I haven't been outside other than walk the 60 yards from our front door to the back entrance of the hospital.
Had abdomen pain since Monday night and finally gave up and got in by seeing Nurse Practitioner on Thursday.  She had blood drawn, urine tested, X-RAYS, prodded & poked, asked me a lot of questions.  Was able to set up for a CTC scan later in the afternoon.  Even though the Tech said that the info would be digitally sent to Omaha and we would hear in a few days.

By 5pm the nurse called, saying indications were an inflamed Pancreas, I was to intake nothing but clear liquids and be at the Hospital at 8am to see a doctor and probably be admitted.

Doctor went through the questions again, prodded & poked, had more blood drawn.  She explained that my pain wasn't at the site of the Pancreas, but the Pancreas is elongated and the part that was most inflamed, according to the CTC, was not far.  She had Sonogram of gallbladder done to rule out stones there, and had chest x-rays taken.

Was put on IV drip where they added some antibiotics, pain medicine, and some Glucose since I had taken all my meds as instructed; but, since I wasn't eating I shouldn't have taken the two diabetes meds.

Doctor said as long as I don't intake anything that has to be digested the Pancreas will rest and should settle down.  Said it could take several days or more on the clear liquids to see results.  They are hoping if no problems that diet modifications and/or some meds should take care of it.

Phyllis has been in and out.  I have punched this in one finger at a time on the phone and it's taking forever.  But, I've got nothing but time.

Later, Lynn

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