Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day 2017

73º here in Clarinda, IA with expected high of 84º.  A bit hazy right now.

Had some inquiries on exactly what I was in hospital for - Pancreatitis - inflammation of the the pancreas.  The pancreas is a large gland behind the stomach and next to the small intestine. The pancreas does two main things: It releases powerful digestive enzymes into the small intestine to aid the digestion of food. It releases the hormones insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream.
This will help explain it Click HERE

Feeling fine and even have lost weight since before going into the hospital.

31 years ago today (at least on Labor Day) we attended funeral of Phyllis' dad.  This is copy of photo from his drivers license that son Cameron carries in his billfold.  He had just celebrated his 69th birthday a few weeks before.

Expecting my brother Roger and his wife Carolyn this morning - they are coming from Lincoln, NE to visit us.  Excited to see them as have only had one brief visit with them in the last couple years.

Later, Lynn

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