Tuesday, September 12, 2017

More of 2017 Clay County Fair

Juggling his tall unicycle on his chin

Help to get on tall unicycle

 Fantastic Patrick did some juggling.  You can see some of his act at HERE

They had 4 or 5 different tents that had different acts all during the day.

Almost up there!

Made it! and juggled 3 knives

Wonder if this has everything to farm with!!!!

Saw this setting, but didn't see anyone around it.

Must admit I didn't find Steve Trash, who was strolling around the grounds -- but you can see one of his shows HERE

Phyllis, Patty, Deanne & Dick watching the Chuck Wagon Races

Presenting colors before the Chuck Wagon Races

Coming in to starting position for race

Coming in to starting position for race

Coming in to starting position for race
A judge by one of the starting barrels and the "stove"

Wagons at start, waiting for gun.  Rules and layout for Chuckwagon Race can be seen HERE 
They have to load the stove, put the "tent" attached to rear of wagon into the wagon, make a circle 8 around the two barrels before entering the race track and make one lap around track.  They had 4 "outriders" who held the team when starting, loaded the stove and tent, and had to be within 150 feet of the wagon as it crossed the finish line.  There were 4 wagons competing in each of 2 heats and then the 1st & 2nd place of those two races ran against each other about 45 minutes later, as well as the 3rd and 4th places racing against each other in a consolation race.

Wagons coming in on one of the races.

Coming down the stretch in another race.
Between the First and Last Chuck Wagon races they had several Chariot type races - 1 horse and 2 horse,
as well as "powder puff" Chuck Wagon races with women driving and as outriders.  Also had some little kids
pulling little red wagons and stick horses as a "young" Chuck Wagon Race.

We went to the Chuck Wagon Races at 12 Noon both on Saturday and Sunday - enjoyed both days.
Walked through several of the cattle barns - this lad was resting and his Mom came to bug him

 On Sunday evening, at 6:00 PM they had bull riding.  Was lots of riders, bulls and excitement.  This is a series of photos of one rider that didn't make it the 8 seconds, and got his spur caught in a rope and was drug for some distance.  When it was all over he jumped up and ran back to the chutes.

 Watched the cowboys getting on their bullet-proof vests, tie their boots down, wrap their wrists or arms, and pounding their gloves, all prior to riding the bulls

The three "rodeo clowns" who protected the riders when they were off the bulls, put on some separate entertainment of their own between some of the bull rides.
He's ON!

He's OFF!

He's ON!

He's OFF!
Lots of things to see and do at the Fair.  Took the computer along, but in our 18' x 8' trailer and three people it was a little crowded to do the blog -- when we were at the trailer we were mostly sleeping, after playing cards in Dick and Deanne's Motorhome.

GROANER’S CORNER:((  A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party. Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice. After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, "What do you do to stop people from asking you for legal advice when you're out of the office?" "I give it to them," replied the lawyer, "and then I send them a bill." The doctor was shocked, but agreed to give it a try. The next day, still feeling slightly guilty, the doctor prepared the bills. When he went to place them in his mailbox, he found a bill from the lawyer.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Fozzie who?
Fozzie hundredth time let me in!
Q: In January 1930, Cadillac debuted it's V16 in a car named for a theatrical version of a 1920's film seen by Harley Earl while designing the body, What's that name?

A: The "Madam X", a custom coach designed by Earl and built by Fleetwood. The sedan featured a retractable landau top above the rear seat.

Q: Which car company started out German,
yet became French after WWI?
A: Bugatti, founded in Molsheim in 1909, became French when Alsace returned to French rule.

Q: In what model year did Cadillac introduce the first electric sunroof? 

A: 1969
More Later, Lynn

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