Saturday, September 30, 2017

Days two and three on our journey from SW Iowa to South Texas

65º 1here in Marengo, IA at 11:15 am as I start this.

Great Grandma lining up lunch.
Spent much of Friday sitting with Great Granddaughter Jessica.  She is one busy little 15 month old.

Goofing off, getting in and out of her car seat that is leaned up against the coffee table.
Standing in her car seat, hanging on to a lego

I'm pretty sure Jessica will appreciate this picture
when she is in her teens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

playing with the yellow school bus
and all the little characters inside.

She just has to pose when the camera is out.

This is a blurry picture, but wanted to show the huge
enclosed parking garage at the Costco in Coralville, Iowa

Shows part of the huge indoor parking building
at Costco - this is the tire area where even out of
the regular building you are still out of the weather.

When granddaughter picked Jessica for her doctor's appointment we drove the 26 miles or so to Costco at Coralville, IA just to the east.  Got gas for $2.24 vs the $2.50 here in Marengo.  Phyllis had picked up 4 #312 hearing aid batteries for me Friday here in town for $4 something.  Got two cards of 72 batteries each for $8.49 each at Costco.  Also needed some AAA batteries - though you buy in bulk, Costco is cheapest on batteries.
Not your usual sink at Costco Men's Room

 Last night we met Cam several miles north of here as he was on his way home from Keystone, IA after work and we all went in to Cedar Rapids, IA to eat at Zeppelins.  Grandson-in-law Heath had gotten off work at school, and Ashley had had the day off (she cleaned house while we were baby sitting) and they followed us to the restaurant.

I had the "Zeppelin Hamburger and Phyllis had their
prime-rib sandwich.  Excellent food.
Some of the other dishes were fish and chips and a salmon salad.
All very good food, as well as the drinks and appetizers before the meal.
Jessica had mac and cheese as well as cottage cheese.  She
also managed to help GGrandma with her french fries.

We must have spent 2 hours there and Jessica only was
upset maybe 60 seconds.  She is quite a kid!

This morning we drove northwest towards Belle Plaine
and went to a pretty good sized antique/craft sale at a barn

30-some vendors besides the barn owners

They had quite a few pumpkins for sale


For The Love of Junk 

Phyllis bought this chair for Jessica

GROANER’S CORNER:((  Once two star football players had failed a test, and could not play football in the championship game.
So, after much begging from the coach, the teacher finally let the two take the test again.
They took the test, and turned it in.
The coach and the two students watched carefully over the teacher grading the tests. She checked over the first test, then over the second test. Half way through the second test she stopped and put a great big 'F' on both tests. The coach was furious and demanded an explanation. She said that they had cheated. 'Why?' the coach asked. The teacher showed him number six. The coach looked at number six on the first test. The answer read 'I don't know.' The coach said that it did not prove anything. The teacher handed him the second test. The answer read 'I don't know either.'

Buckwheat of the Little Rascals fame grew up, became a Muslim, and changed his name. He then went by ‘Kareem of Wheat’.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to your house.
Knock Knock
Who's there?

Later, Lynn

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