Saturday, September 2, 2017

Labor day weekend 2017

They say the weather is great here in Clarinda, IA though I haven't been outside the hospital.

More blood drawn this morning and consulted with new, to me, doctor.  He pointed out several numbers that are going in the right direction.  Said that the Invokono I have been on for Diabetes for 2 years could be a possible cause for the Pancreatitis.

In the future if diet conforming doesn't keep things in line he recommends my doctor in Texas look at replacing the Invokono.  Dr. Wier did her rounds and was very much enthused that numbers are going the right direction and put me back on solid food and took off the IV.  They, only hours before, had had to move that IV and it took 2 places and 2 nurses to get one put in the krook of my elbow.   She said would check on me in the morning.

May get to go home tomorrow, will see.

Later, Lynn

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