Sunday, September 3, 2017

Last day in hospital

7am. Had first full night sleep in a week, other than a couple pee trips.
No pain this morning, and just had blood drawn.  Hope to hear Dr Weir tell me to go home when she makes her rounds later this morning.

12:00 Noon update.  Got released from the hospital and am home on an actual computer.  What a deal!, typing instead of futzing with the fingers on the phone!!!and, can add some photos.  I did not have my camera with me, but did have my phone.  In spite of not being a fan of camera phones I did take a few shots and will add them here.  Waiting at this time until the download from the sky to my computer so can edit them and put them here.
First attempted photo,
Phyllis thought I should
aim it somewhere else.

Clear Liquid Meals.Friday to Saturday am

Was actually good meal--at least for the way I felt.

Had some variety - orange instead of green Jello

View from my bed - front of hospital  -- Emergency
Entrance side.

Sitting by the window.

English Muffin with scrambled eggs and Turkey
Bacon for breakfast with skim milk & hot tea.

Dr. Weir said blood sample this morning indicated the troubling numbers from Thursday were back to normal and even did an A1C (I hadn't had one since May 30th) and it was within range for my diabetes.  The flair-up, called Pancreatitis, had subsided.

Was released to go home and had called Phyllis who was at church that  should be ready in an hour.  However, they had paperwork done I was dressed and was going to leave.  Was told I had to be escorted so two nurses walked me across the street to my house.  Not many patients get escorted home.

More later, Lynn

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