Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Some more "The Way I Remember It"

56º degrees here in Clarinda, IA at 9:15 am Wednesday as I start this.

Will put a few more old photos I have discovered:
The shirts the kids hate - we got them on our trip to Hawaii in 1975 or 76

1978 Farm Sale of Dad-Roger.  Dad's funeral was the following day

1978 Farm Sale - son Cameron in one of the tractors and brother Darrell looking at the Ford Tractor

The kids had sheep for many years

Start of a model railroad table (that never got finished)

Wonder what was so funny?

Cam & Michelle one Christmas

On our 1977 trip to Tampa, FL.  Think this might be near Pensacola, FL

We had bought this 1977 Oldsmobile Wagon less than a month before this trip

Wow, look at the Duck!
All below are from a 1976 trip across Lake Michigan to visit brother Don in Grand Rapids, MI

On way back we stopped near Chicago at Uncle Bud - Alice Miles place.

Brother Don's daughter Jenny with Michelle & Cameron

On the Ferry across Lake Michigan - trying to earn back the cost of the ferry  -- didn't.

We ate in the dining room on the ship.

They really sell truck tires in Michigan!!!!

Cam & Michelle - the ferry we crossed Lake Michigan is in the background
GROANER’S CORNER:(( After 30 years of wondering why he didn't exactly fit in with the family, the man finally got up the nerve to ask his mother if he was adopted.  "Yes you were son," his mother said as tears came to her eyes, "but it didn't work out and they brought you back."
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Goat who?
Goat to believe in magic.
Q: What autos were the first to use a
standardized production key-start system? 

A: The 1949 Chryslers

 Q: What did the Olds designation 4-4-2 stand for?

A: 4 barrel carburetor, 4 speed transmission, and dual exhaust.


Q: What car was the first to place the
horn button in the center of the steering wheel?

A: The 1915 Scripps-Booth Model C. The car also was the first with electric door latches.

Today is 113th Anniversary of my Dad's birthday.

Later, Lynn

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