Friday, September 15, 2017

Warm and Windy Friday


91º with 12 mph SSE winds in Clarinda at 4:30 pm Friday as I start this.
Phyllis is down to the old church building helping with "garage sale" of items in the building that won't be moved to the new building.  Church members were allowed to look thru on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and it is open to the public tonight as well as most of the day tomorrow.  No prices are set and donations are asked.

Thursday we helped unload the Food Bank truck from Omaha
at the Education Building by the old Methodist Church.
Phyllis helps distribute to the needy on Wednesday afternoons there.

Headed to HyVee to get some groceries and also our Flu Shots
for the season.  Got 40 cents in gas credits for the shots, as well
as another 50 cents for groceries bought.  Will wait until need
the whole 20 gallons (which is maximum allowed).

Searching the aisles.

 Worked last couple days adding a box to rear bumper of travel trailer to carry 10 gallon of gasoline for the Honda Generator I carry in the back of the pickup when travelling.  I tried putting container of gas in there, but it always smells up the place, even wrapped in couple of plastic garbage bags.  This should take care of that problem.

Finished product -- yes the two containers are inside there!

Here's for you, Bonnie................

GROANER’S CORNER:(( Before my daughter went on her first date, I gave her 'the talk.'
'Sometimes, it’s easy to get carried away when you’re with a boy,' I said. 'Remember, a short moment of indiscretion could ruin your life.'
'Don’t worry,' she said. 'I don’t plan on ruining my life until I get married.'
- “A good meteor shower can really rock your world.”
Wikipedia: I know everything!
Google: I have everything!
Facebook: I know everybody!
Internet: Without me you are all nothing.
Electricity: Yeah, keep talking...
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Geese who?
Geese what I'm going to do if you don't open the door.

Later, Lynn

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